Title: DeVane Papers
Dates (Inclusive & [bulk]): ca. 1800 – 1956 [1835 – 1875]
Quantity: 1½ boxes
Types of Material: corresp. (1848-1924); bills & receipts (1814-1932); printed broadsides, newspapers and pamphlets; literary; and legal documents including deeds and estate inventories
Accession Numbers: 1980.161.1-?, 1991.94.1
Brief Description: This is chiefly a collection of bills, receipts, and legal documents, mostly handwritten, from the period 1835-75. Virtually all of these materials originate in Guilford County. The list of names below gives only a small fraction of the names associated with this collection, though one individual associated with the collection, Jesse Benbow, was an original trustee of Oak Ridge Institute. Other materials in the collection include: an Oak Ridge Institute letterhead (ca. 1890); a copy of Old Towne News (1927); a photo of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad train station (1897); pamphlets on the inauguration of FDR (1933), traffic laws of Greensboro (1930), and the First Baptist Church of Greensboro (1956); First Presbyterian Church programs (1920-25); Greensboro Chamber of Commerce publications (ca. 1920-50); a manuscript chart documenting the Greensboro Tennis Association Tournament (1912); and a ticket for a concert at the Odd Fellows Temple in Greensboro (1874).
Major Names/Subjects: Barringer, Fannie Sloan
Benbow, Jesse
Briggs, George
Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad
Clark, Jonathan
Dean, Sally
Dennis, William
Dwiggins, Samuel
Greensboro, NC — Religion
Lindsay, J.H.
Lunsford, Leslie E.
Mendenhall, Aaron
Nelson, J.N.
Oak Ridge Institute
Sanders, Thomas
Starbuck, Thomas
Date Surveyed: 6/4/1996