
Lindley Nurseries Collection

ca. 1839-1965. 3 boxes (128 folders), ca. 421 items.MSS. COLL. #120

NOTE: The numbers cited in parentheses, e.g. 1:5, refer the researcher to the Series#:Folder# in which that name/topic will be found.


The Lindley Nurseries have a long history in Greensboro and Guilford County. Touted as the oldest organized business in the city and the first nursery in North Carolina, it was established around 1850 by Joshua Lindley, having 1000 acres, 350 used in cultivation. It was first in the cultivation of fruit & nut trees, shade, evergreen, and ornamental shrubs.

This collection is a combination of materials from the actual nursery business and personal items from various members of the Lindley family. Researchers interested in landscape gardening, the nursery business, and southern horticulture will find this collection useful. It includes printed materials such as nursery catalogs dating from 1870-1965, photos of various landscape jobs and nursery operations, correspondence, and legal and financial records. The Lindley family materials are mostly of a personal nature, and include correspondence, photos, and financial, legal, and printed materials. The collection covers a wide time frame, but the majority of items date from 1920 to 1940.The nursery was owned and operated by four generations of Lindleys.

Arrangement: The Lindley Nurseries Collection is organized into eight series by subject and document type. Within each series, materials are organized by document type, then alphabetically. The series are: Drawing, ca. 1964; Friends of the South, 1861; John “Jack” Van Lindley II, 1923-1964; John Van Lindley, ca. 1900; Paul Cameron Lindley, 1903-1940; Lindley Nurseries, 1839-1965; Photographs, ca. 1880-1940; and Printed Materials, ca. 1910-1940.

Provenance: The bulk of this collection was purchased on February 10, 1995. The Friends of the South document (2:1) was purchased on January 20, 1995. Several catalogs (6:38-40) were found by Evan and J. Stephen Catlett. The accession numbers for these materials are 1995.24.1-3. The pamphlet entitled “The Bride’s Bouquet (6:43) was donated in 2016 and assigned accession number 2016.54.1.

Processing: J. Stephen Catlett began processing this collection prior to 2000. The arrangement and finding aid were completed by Christine A. Dumoulin, Archives Assistant, in February 2001.


The Lindley Family has a long history of involvement in the nursery business. Joshua Lindley was a pioneer of landscaping and horticulture in North Carolina, establishing the first known nursery in the state.

John Van Lindley (1835-1918) was born in Monrovia, Indiana, the son of Joshua and Judith Lindley. He was brought to North Carolina at the age of three, growing up in Chatham County. The family moved to Guilford County in 1851. Following in his father’s footsteps, he gained experience in the nursery business, traveling in Texas and Missouri. When the Civil War began, he joined the Missouri cavalry and fought for the Union. Returning to North Carolina after the war, he found his father’s business in debt and joined him to establish Joshua Lindley and Son, as proprietors of the New Garden Nursery. In 1877, the Pomona Nursery was established as he made a concerted effort to turn the business around. Around 1900, he became the sole proprietor of J. Van Lindley Nurseries. He would remain involved in the nursery until his death on July 13, 1918.

J. Van Lindley was also involved in several other ventures as a businessman and philanthropist. He formed the Pomona Terra Cotta Company, which made sewer pipes for the city of Greensboro. In 1897, he became president of the Pomona Cotton Mill and erected a schoolhouse for the children of his employees. He was a pioneer in the insurance industry in the Piedmont as one of the founders of the Security Life and Annuity Company and its president. He helped establish the Underwriters Fire Insurance Company, which was the pioneer fire insurance company in the state. He was also president of the North Carolina Horticultural Association. Before this death, he gave a sixty-acre tract of land near Pomona to be used as a city park. The Lindley School and Lindley Park were named after him.

Paul Cameron Lindley (1877-1933), the son of J. Van Lindley, continued in the nursery tradition. He served as vice president and head of the nurseries. He was also a prominent public servant in his own right. He served as director of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company and eight years on the Greensboro City Council. His last two terms on council were spent as mayor, from 1931-1933. During his tenure, he was active in bringing awareness to Greensboro’s green spaces and was responsible for helping develop city parks and playgrounds. He was also instrumental in the development of Lindley Field, which is now the Piedmont International Airport. His life was cut short by drowning in a lake on Lindley Nursery property in May 1933.

John “Jack” Van Lindley II (1908-1990) was born to Paul Cameron Lindley and his first wife, Mabel Glenn. John “Jack” Van Lindley II was a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He married Virginia Ives Hall in December 1932. (See Mss. Coll. #21 for further details on their lives together.) As his father and grandfather before him, Jack served as president and general manager of Lindley Nurseries. He was also involved as chairman of Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company’s executive committee. He was a member of the Board of Directors of North Carolina National Bank. Like his father, Jack took part in Greensboro politics and in 1935, he was named a member of the Greater Greensboro School District Board, a position he held for nearly ten years. He also served two unexpired terms on the Greensboro City Council. In 1953, he was appointed commissioner of the Seventh District of the State Highway Commission that was responsible for the early building of Interstate 85.

Biographical Sources: The following books, most of which are located in the Archives, were used to compile this biographical note: History of North Carolina, Vol. III, by Hugh T. Lefler (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1956); Greensboro, North Carolina: The County Seat of Guilford, by Ethel Stephens Arnett (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1955); and Greensboro 1808-1904. Facts, Figures, Traditions, and Reminiscences, by James W. Albright (Greensboro: Jos. J. Stone & Co., 1904). In addition, the following newspaper clippings in GHM clippings were used: “J. Van Lindley Nursery Co.” (1905; 83.31.4-15), “Pomona Hill Nurseries/ Pomona Terra Cotta Co.” Greensboro Patriot, May 3, 1899, p. 4 (81.154.174), “J. Van Lindley Nursery Company…,” Greensboro Daily News, Dec. 8, 1912 (83.31.1-9). Finally, more information on the later Lindley’s can be found in the finding aid for the Lindley Family Papers, Mss. Collection #21.


The types of materials in this collection include a landscape plan, photographs, printed materials such as catalogues and pamphlets, correspondence, financial items such as receipts and bankbooks, and legal items such as deeds and insurance policies. One item of interest not related to the nurseries or the Lindley’s is an 1861 resolution to form the local militia the Home Guards during the Civil War (2:1).

There is no information about J. Van Lindley Sr. in the personal papers of the Lindley family, except several copies of an engraving/print (4:1). To learn more about him, researchers need to consult the bibliographic sources. The series for Jack Van Lindley is also limited in scope. The letter, certificate, and insurance policies are personal and are unrelated to the nurseries and his civic involvement.

The materials for Paul Cameron Lindley contain items relating to his business dealings and civic duties. Paul received numerous letters from his constituents, congratulating him on his re-election as Mayor of Greensboro (5:8-9). An article on parks standards in 1931 (5:17), and a program for the 17th National Recreation Congress in 1930 (5:20), show his involvement in the Parks and Recreation movement on a national as well as local level. His involvement in the Boy Scouts of America (5:1-6) included a campaign to raise awareness for the dangers of blasting caps; the broadside “Number of Children Injured…” maps incidents of blasting cap injuries around the country (5:5).

The Lindley Nurseries series gives researchers a glimpse into the business itself. Correspondence includes an interesting letter from the Army Air Corps requesting to use nursery property as a camp as they survey Lindley Airfield (6:2) and letters pertaining to the shipment and payment of nursery stock, both in NC and out of state (6:3-4). An audit report from June 30, 1930, outlines the company’s assets, liabilities, and expenses, showing the cost of running a business (6:12). Land and lot appraisals for tracts of land in what is now Lindley Park show early property values (6:17-20). The photos give a visual account of nursery operations from planting procedures (6:31) and the greenhouses (6:25), to the Lindley Arboretum (6:27) and the main office (6:28). Nursery catalogs ranging from 1872-1964/65 document not only the types of plants, trees, and shrubs that grow in the Piedmont region, but also the changes in what the nursery sold and specialized (6:35-40).

The photos in the collection cover a range of subjects from some of the different homes that were landscaped by the nursery to personal photos of the Lindley family. Five images of Cone Mills White Oak and Revolution plants show not only landscaping but also how mill villages were set up (7:18). Other images include a portrait of J. Van Lindley at a Southern Association of Nurserymen meeting in Atlanta, Ga. in 1908 (7:41) and two images of the Vick Chemical Company (7:8).

The printed materials are a mixed group of publications, such as a fall planting catalog from Andorra Nurseries, Philadelphia, PA (8:2), “The Car Owner” put out by the Automobile Association of America (AAA; 8:3), and a copy of “The Tar Heel Banker” (8:10).

Collection Weaknesses: The series on members of the Lindley family contain almost no information about the nurseries but rather are more personal in nature. Many of these materials are not directly related to Greensboro. Secondly, the Lindley Nurseries series represents only a fraction of materials from its long history, despite ranging from the years 1839-1965.


1. Drawings. 1 folder (1 item). ca. 1964.

This is a landscape plan of the Drayton D. Stott property in Greensboro. Although more recent, it is one of the few items in the collection illustrating the actual design of a property before everything was planted. There is no further information on Stott himself.

2. Friends of the South. 1 folder (1 item). 1861.

While this document/resolution has nothing to do with the Lindley Nurseries, it is an excellent account of the Civil War on the home front. A small group of local Greensboro citizens formed the “Home Guard,” a local militia group and resolved for all members to sign an oath against the abolition of slavery and free soil movements. It is dated Friday, April 26, 1861.

3. John “Jack” Van Lindley. 3 folders (4 items). 1923-1964.

This series contains primarily items that pertain to the personal affairs of Jack Lindley. Although he served as president of the nurseries, none of the items relate to his involvement. Folder 3:1 contains a letter dated March 28, 1964, from R.B. Moore, Rear Admiral for the U.S. Navy, to Jack concerning a favor he was doing for him; what that was is not clear from the letter. There are also several items, such as two insurance policies from Jefferson Standard National Life Insurance and Pilot Life Insurance (3:2), and a stock certificate from United Bank and Trust (3:2).

4. John Van Lindley. 1 folder (3 items). ca. 1900.

John Van Lindley, son of Joshua Lindley, was responsible for taking his fathers’ fledgling nursery business and forming the Lindley Nurseries. He became the second generation of horticulturists in the family. This series, however, contains only three engravings of him as an older man (4:1).

5. Paul Cameron Lindley. 22 folders (68 items). 1903-1940.

Paul Cameron Lindley was the son of John Van Lindley, and followed in his father’s footsteps as owner/manager of the Lindley Nurseries. He was also president of Jefferson Standard Life Insurance and the Mayor of Greensboro from 1931 to 1933. This series contains mostly materials from his many activities as Mayor and his involvement in the Greensboro community.

The subseries Boy Scouts of America (5:1-6) shows Paul’s involvement as president of the  Greensboro Council in 1930. A letter from actor Richard Arlen (5:1) to Lindley discusses naming a trophy after him for the winners of a citywide race in Greensboro. Also mentioned is his latest movie role in Zane Grey’s “Light of Western Stars.” There are also several items related to a campaign to reduce injuries in children caused by the detonation of blasting caps. Included are a letter from the Institute of Makers of Explosives (5:2) and several broadsides warning “Leave Blasting Caps Alone!” (5:5).

The subseries Parks and Recreation (5:16-21) contains materials from Paul’s involvement in the movement during his tenure as mayor. Two bulletins emphasize adult recreation as a means of education and encouraging leadership among children as they play without taking away their spontaneity through too much adult supervision and direction. An example of the success of the movement is a statistics sheet covering four years progress in public recreation in Pittsburgh.

The subseries Correspondence contains mostly letters from constituents and friends congratulating Paul on his appointment as mayor of Greensboro. Finally, a pamphlet called “Paul’s Practical Plant Tips” is a publication with personal tips for the home gardener. (5:23)

6. Lindley Nurseries. 44 folders (183 items). 1839-1965.

This series contains materials related directly to nursery operations. While the nurseries specialized in landscaping, they were also suppliers for nurseries and florists around the country. Over the years, the nursery changed names several times as well as what they specialized in. The Pomona Nurseries (1877) sold primarily fruit and nut trees, ornamental shrubs, and evergreens. In the early 1900s, the name was changed to the J. Van Lindley Nursery Company, boasting 900 acres for trees and young plants, and 11 greenhouses for flowers. They sold cut flowers at their florist shop on 115 S. Elm Street until 1925, when it was sold to A.J. Sykes. Their mail order business reached “as far west as Oregon, far north as Canada, and south as Florida” using Southern Railways to transport their stock. They also operated 350 acres in Kernersville, large apple nurseries in Harnett County, and model orchards in Southern Pines.

The subseries Correspondence (6:1-10) contains a variety of documents including letters, legal documents, audit report, letterheads, postcards, and contracts. Among the more interesting items include: an advertising appeal by the U.S. Post Office in 1938 encouraging the use of airmail rather than the impersonal telephone (6:1), and a reference request for a Robert C. Young by the Waynesboro Nurseries; Young worked briefly for Lindley Nurseries. In 1939, the Army Air Corps requests the use of a section of nursery property as a camp to survey the airfield at Lindley Field (6:2).

Folders 6:10 and 6:14 pertain to John Craigie and his wife, Catharine Fletcher. Emigrating from Scotland around 1839, they lived in Surry County. Craigie was a stonemason and may have done work for the Lindley family. Both Fletcher and Craigie signed affidavits confirming their identity, most likely for immigration purposes. The correspondence includes a commission for John to join the 67th NC regiment in 1866 and personal letters from Henry Begg and Lewis F. Self describing daily life in New Berlin (6:11).

The subseries Legal contains primarily land documents and items relating to nursery property. Several of these give researchers a look at early lot/property values and insurance costs. There are several early lot appraisals for what is now Lindley Park (6:17-20), fire insurance policies for a general store and building on Oakland Ave in Pomona (6:16), and two deeds giving property to the North Carolina Railroad; the specific property is unclear (6:15).

A visual look at nursery operations can be seen in the subseries Photographs. Approximately fifty images, these photos document the day to day aspects of the nurseries, such as planting procedures (6:31), Lindley Nursery signs (6:33), and the greenhouses (6:25). There are also six images of African American workers (6:31).

7. Photographs. 40 folders (approx. 150 items). ca. 1880-1940.

This collection of photographs contains mostly images of different businesses and private homes that were landscaped by Lindley Nurseries. The subseries Buildings contains images of landscaping around such structures as the Elk’s Club on Greene and Sycamore Streets (7:4), the U.S. Post Office on W. Market and Eugene Streets (7:7), and the Greensboro Historical Museum as the former Richardson Civic Center (7:6).

Among the photos are approximately 33 images taken by the Horace McFarland Company of Harrisburg, PA. McFarland owned the Mount Pleasant Printing Co. in Pennsylvania and was a master gardener. He also fought for the establishment of the National Park Service and was heavily involved in the improvement of cities and preserving America’s natural beauty. See the Appendix for a complete list of photos. There are also five images taken by local Greensboro photographer, W.A. Roberts Film Company (7:4,10,29).

Other photos include fourteen images of the Lindley family, including one possibly of Joshua Lindley and his wife, Paul Lindley and his son Jack as an infant, and unidentified nursery workers (7:35). There are five images of the Greensboro Fire Dept. putting out fires, and training members of the Boy Scouts; two photos have African American onlookers (7:10).

8. Printed Materials. 10 folders (11 items). ca. 1910-1940.

This series is a mixed group of pamphlets on different subjects, not all of which relate directly to the nurseries. Some of these may have belonged to different members of the Lindley family. “Forestry in the South” (8:4) and “Everything for the Cemetery” (8:3) are publications related to public landscaping. “The Dynamic Decade: 1927-1937” (8:6) is a retrospective look at Lindley Field. “The Story of the Abrico” (8:10) is an interesting look at early road graders.


11Drawings-- Landscape Plan -- Drayton D. Stott property (1964/65)
21Friends of the South-- Resolution (1861)
31Lindley, John Van (Jack)-- Correspondence -- Moore, R.B. (1964)
2-- Financial -- United Bank & Trust (1932)
3-- Legal -- Insurance policies (ca. 1930s)
4-- Legal -- Receipt (1932)
41Lindley, J. Van, Sr.-- Prints (ca. 1900)
51Lindley, Paul C.-- Boy Scouts of America -- Correspondence -- Arlen, Richard (1930)
2-- Boy Scouts of America -- Correspondence -- Institute of Makers of Explosives (1931)
3-- Boy Scouts of America -- Photos -- Toy Hospital (1928)
4-- Boy Scouts of America -- Print -- "Spirit of St. Louis" (1927)
5Lindley, Paul C.-- Boy Scouts of America -- Printed -- Broadsides
*"Leave Blasting Caps Alone!"
*"Number of Children Injured as a Result of Playing with Blasting Caps..."
6-- Boy Scouts of America -- Printed -- Membership Card (1930)
7-- Correspondence -- Cox, Jos. D. (1930)
8-- Correspondence -- Congratulations -- A-L (1931)
9Lindley, Paul C.-- Correspondence -- Congratulations -- M-Z (1931)
10-- Correspondence -- Congratulations -- Miscellaneous (1939)
11-- Financial -- Audit Report -- NC Bank & Trust (1932)
12-- Financial -- Bank Books (1908, 1926)
13Lindley, Paul C.-- Financial -- Bills/Receipts -- Sykes Florist (1927)
14-- Legal -- Deed (1903)
15-- Legal -- Land petition papers (1926)
16-- Parks & Recreation -- Correspondence (1930)
17Lindley, Paul C.-- Parks & Recreation -- Printed -- Articles (1931)
18-- Parks & Recreation -- Printed -- Bulletins (1930)
19-- Parks & Recreation -- Printed -- "County Parks"
20-- Parks & Recreation -- Printed -- Programs (1930)
21Lindley, Paul C.-- Parks & Recreation -- Printed -- Statistics -- "Four Years' Progress in Public Recreation in Pittsburgh" (ca. 1930)
22-- Printed -- Certificate -- American Arbitration Association (1928)
23-- Printed -- Pamphlet -- "Paul's Practical..." (ca. 1930)
61Lindley Nurseries-- Correspondence -- Advertising (1938)
2-- Correspondence -- Army Air Corps (1939)
3-- Correspondence -- Business -- North Carolina (1939-1940)
4-- Correspondence -- Business -- Out of state (1937-1940)
5Lindley Nurseries-- Correspondence -- Coca Cola (1926-1939)
6-- Correspondence -- Financial (1938-39)
7-- Correspondence -- Legal (1921, 1923)
8-- Correspondence -- North Carolina Association of Nurserymen (1933)
9Lindley Nurseries-- Correspondence -- Miscellaneous (1939)
10-- Craigie, John -- Commission (1866)
11-- Craigie, John -- Correspondence (1839-79)
12-- Financial -- Audit Report (1930)
13Lindley Nurseries-- Financial -- Pay envelope (1933)
14-- Fletcher, Catharine -- Correspondence (1839)
15-- Legal -- Deeds -- NC Railroad (1851, 1896)
16-- Legal -- Insurance policies (fire) (1929, 1931)
17Lindley Nurseries-- Legal -- Land appraisals -- application (1926)
18-- Legal -- Land appraisals -- metes and bounds (ca. 1922)
19-- Legal -- Land -- Miscellaneous (no date)
20-- Legal -- Land survey (1918)
21Lindley Nurseries-- Photos -- "A Short Picture Story..." (ca. 1910)
22-- Photos -- "Album of Houses" (ca. 1910)
23-- Photos -- Entrance drive (ca. 1910)
24-- Photos -- Fields (ca. 1910)
25Lindley Nurseries-- Photos -- Greenhouses (ca. 1910)
626-- Photos -- Landscaping (ca. 1910)
27-- Photos -- Lindley Arboretum (ca. 1910)
28-- Photos -- Main office (ca. 1910)
29Lindley Nurseries-- Photos -- Nursery stock (Alabama) (ca. 1910)
30-- Photos -- Nursery stock -- Magnolia tree (ca. 1910)
31-- Photos -- Planting procedures (ca. 1910)
32-- Photos -- Salesmen -- Banquet (1917)
33Lindley Nurseries-- Photos -- Signs
34-- Printed -- Broadside -- "Pomona Hill..." (1878)
35-- Printed -- Catalogue (1872, 1875)
36-- Printed -- Catalogue (1919, 1922)
37Lindley Nurseries-- Printed -- Catalogue (1935, 1938)
38-- Printed -- Catalogue (1947/48, 1949)
39-- Printed -- Catalogue (1958/59)
40-- Printed -- Catalogue (1961/32, 1964/65)
41Lindley Nurseries-- Printed -- Order forms (ca. 1930)
42-- Printed -- Inventory, 1929
43-- Printed -- Pamphlet -- "The Bride's Bouquet" (ca. 1910)
44-- Printed -- Permit (1937)
71Photographs-- Airports -- Lindley Field (1920)
2-- Automobiles (glass-plate negative) (ca. 1920)
3-- Bridges -- Southern Railway (ca. 1920)
4-- Buildings -- Elk's Club (ca. 1920)
5Photographs-- Buildings -- Hospitals -- Reaves Infirmary (ca. 1920)
6-- Buildings -- Richardson Civic Center (ca. 1920)
7-- Buildings -- U.S. Post Office (ca. 1920)
8-- Buildings -- Vick Chemical Co. (ca. 1920)
9Photographs-- Cemeteries -- Green Hill (Greensboro) (ca. 1920)
10-- Fire Department (ca. 1930)
11-- Guilford County -- Board of Education (1915)
*Anthony, Cary A.
*Claxton, Dr. P.P.
*Foust, Thomas
*Ireland, Charles
*Lindley, J. Van
*Whitsett, William Thornton
12-- Houses -- Banner, Dr. C.W. (ca. 1910)
13Photographs-- Houses -- Barringer, John A. (ca. 1910)
14-- Houses -- Bundy, O.M. (ca. 1910)
15-- Houses -- Bush, H.R. (ca. 1910)
16-- Houses -- Cobb, J.B. (ca. 1910)
17Photographs-- Houses -- Cone, Clarence (ca. 1910)
18-- Houses -- Cone Mills (ca. 1910)
19-- Houses -- Cox, G.C. (ca. 1910)
720-- Houses -- Cox, Elwood (ca. 1910)
21Photographs-- Houses -- Good, Charles W. (ca. 1910)
22-- Houses -- Hewitt, Wm. A. (ca. 1910)
23-- Houses -- Lindley, J. Van (ca. 1910)
24-- Houses -- Lindley, Paul C. (ca. 1910)
25Photographs-- Houses -- Meyer, W.D. (ca. 1910)
26-- Houses -- Mackey, C.H. (ca. 1910)
27-- Houses -- Odell, J.A. (ca. 1910)
28-- Houses -- Sapp, O.L. (ca. 1910)
29Photographs-- Houses -- Sykes, A.J. (ca. 1910)
30-- Houses -- Sternberger, Emmanuel (ca. 1910)
31-- Houses -- Unidentified (ca. 1910)
32-- Houses -- Watson, R.N. (ca. 1910)
33Photographs-- Landscape architecture -- Gates, Irving Park (ca. 1910)
34-- Lexington, NC -- Erlanger Cotton Mill, Post Office (ca. 1920)
35-- Lindley Family (ca. 1890-1920)
36-- Parades (ca. 1940)
37Photographs-- Schools -- Grimsley/Greensboro Senior High School (ca. 1930)
38-- Schools -- Guilford College (ca. 1930)
39-- Schools -- Woman's College (UNCG; ca. 1920)
40-- Southern Association of Nurserymen (1908)
41Photographs-- Streets -- Spring Garden St. (ca. 1920)
42-- Trees -- "Cornwallis Oak" (ca. 1920)
81Printed Material-- Newspapers -- The Duckpin (1931)
2-- Pamphlets -- "Andorra, Fall 1923"
3-- Pamphlets -- "The Car Owner" (1940)
4-- Pamphlets -- "Everything for the Cemetery" (1929)
5Printed Material-- Pamphlets -- "Forestry in the South" (1928)
6-- Pamphlets -- "Greensboro, NC..." (1931)
7-- Pamphlets -- "The Dynamic Decade" (Lindley Field, 1927-37)
8-- Pamphlets -- "Newer City Planning" (1928)
9Printed Material-- Pamphlets -- "Peter Francisco" (1910)
10-- Pamphlets -- "The Story of the Abrico" (n.d.)
11-- Pamphlets -- "The Tarheel Banker" (1924)

Index to the Lindley Nurseries Collection
(ca. 1839-1965)

Note: The numbers following the name/subject entry – e.g. 1:1 – indicate in which Series#:Folder# (or, if no “:”, Series only) that name/topic can be found.

African Americans: photos, 6:31, 7:10
Airports: Lindley Field: 6:2, 8:1, 8:7; photo, 7:1
American Arbitrators Association: 5:22
Andorra Nurseries (Philadelphia): catalog, 8:2 (1923)
Anthony, Cary A.: photo, 6:11
Arlen, Richard: 5:1
Army Air Corps: 6:2 (includes photo of airfield)
Atlas Supply Co.: 6:3
Automobiles: glass negative, 7:2; photos, 6:28, 7:7

Banks (Greensboro):
North Carolina National Bank: 4:11
United Bank & Trust: 3:2
Banner, Dr. C.W.: house photo, 7:12
Barringer, John A.: house photo, 7:13
Beadle, Chauncy D.: 6:5
Begg, Henry: 6:11
Blanchard, L.E.: 6:3
Boy Scouts of America: 5:1-6
Bridges: Southern Railway (Greensboro): photos, 7:3
Bundy, O.M.: house photo, 7:14
Bush, H.R.: house photo, 7:15

Cemeteries: landscaping, 8:3
Green Hill Cemetery (Greensboro): photos, 7:9
Charles Bruning Company, Inc. (New York): 6:4
Civil War:
67th NC Regiment: 6:11
Friends of the South: 2:1
Claxton, Dr. P.P.: Photo, 7:11
Cobb, J.B: House photo: 7:16
Coca-Cola Bottling Company: 6:5
Condon Brothers, Seedsmen (Illinois): 6:4
Cone Mills: photos, 7:18
Cone, Clarence: house photo, 7:17
Cox, Elwood: house photo, 7:19
Cox, G.C.: house photo, 7:20
Craigie, John: 6:10, 6:11, 6:14

D. Hill Nursery Company (Illinois): 6:4
Duckpin, The: 8:1

E.E. Eller Produce Co.: 6:3
Elk’s Club (Greensboro): photos, 7:4
Esso Touring Service: 6:3
Erlanger Cotton Mill (Lexington, NC): photos, 7:34

Fletcher, Catharine: 6:10, 6:14
Foust, Thomas R.: photo, 7:11
Friends of the South: 2:1

Goldsboro Nurseries: 6:3
Good, Charles W.: house photo, 7:21
Greenbrier Farms (Virginia): 6:4
Greensboro Daily News: 6:1
Greensboro Fire Department: 7:10

Hewitt, Wm. A.: house photo, 7:22
Hotel Sir Walter (Raleigh): 6:3
Hughs Warehouse (Virginia): 6:4

Ireland, Charles H.: photo, 7:11
Innis, Speiden, & Company (New York): 6:4
Institute of Makers of Explosives: 5:2
Insurance Companies:
Jefferson Standard National Life Insurance Co.: 3:3
Pilot Life Insurance Co.: 3:3

Jackson & Perkins Company (New York): 6:4
Jim Parker’s Nursery (Oklahoma): 6:4

Landscaping: drawings, 1:1; photographs, 7:1-34, 7:37-39, 7:41-42; publications, 8:4-5
Lindley, John Van (Jack): 3:1-3
Lindley, John Van, Sr.: photo, 7:11; house photo, 7:23
Lindley, Paul C.: 5:1-23, 8:1; house photos, 7:24, 7:35
Lindley Arboretum: photo, 6:27
Lindley Field: photos, 6:2, 8:6
Lindley Nurseries: 6:1-43; photos, 6:21-33
Lindley Park (Greensboro): 6:17-20

McCoy, General Frank T.: 7:35
Mackey, C.H.: house photo, 7:26
McKewen Knitting Co., Inc.: 6:3
Meyer, W.D.: house photo, 7:25
Moore, R.B.: 3:1

New Berlin (?): 6:11
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen: 6:8
North Carolina Railroad: 6:15

Odell, J.A.: house photo, 7:27

Piedmont Hotel (Atlanta): 6:4
Pomona, NC: 6:16

Reaves Infirmary: photo, 7:5
Richardson Civic Center: photo, 7:6
Riverside Mills (Augusta): 6:4
Road machinery: publication, 8:10
Rock Creek Nurseries (Maryland): 6:4
Roses 5-10-25 Cent Stores: 6:3

S.T. Wyrick & Co.: 6:1
S.V. Tomlinson: 6:3
Sapp, O.L.: house photo: 7:28
Greensboro Senior/Grimsley High School: photos, 7:37
Guilford College: photo, 7:38
Woman’s College (UNC-G): photo, 7:39
Self, Lewis F.: 6:11
Southern Association of Nurserymen: 7:40
Spirit of St. Louis: 5:4
Sternberger, Emmanuel: house photo, 7:30
Streetcars: photo, 7:18
Sykes, A.J.: house photo, 7:29

United States Department of Agriculture: 6:4
United States Post Office (Greensboro): airmail appeal: 6:1
United States Post Office (Lexington, NC): photo, 7:34

Vicks Chemical Co: photo, 7:7

War Memorial Stadium: 5:9
Watson, R.N.: House photo: 7:32
Waynesboro Nurseries: 6:3
Whitsett, Dr. W.T.: Photo: 7:11
William Roberts Film Company: photos, 7:4, 7:10, 7:29
Wills Stationary and Books: 5:1
Wood-Howell Nurseries (Virginia): 6:4

Young, Robert C.: 6:1

Appendix: Horace McFarland Co. Images

Note: The image numbers below (e.g. L19-11), are series numbers by McFarland noted on the reverse of each photograph.

Folder #Images
6:23L19-11 (5/16/1919)
6:24L29-13 (2), VL25-10, VL25-19, L29-4, L19-22 (5/15/1919), L29-3, L29-25, L29-4, L29-29, L29-25, L29-4, L29-29
7:09L16-18, L5-18
7:18L20-61, L20-41, L20-64, L26-63
7:23Engraving memo on back
7:31L20-30, L19-1, L19-18, 1X414, L20-80, L20-81, L21-18